My daughter's last day of Kindergarten

Today 16 June 2003,I can’t believe it’s here, your last day of kindergarten.
It seems like just yesterday that I wrote this post about your first day of kindergarten.
I will walk you up the hill to school for your last day as a kindergartner. The next time that we make that walk together you will be in grade 1. I am glad that you are excited about taking the next step in your formal education, because you are. But I sometimes wish that you weren’t in such a rush to get bigger. You have no time to waste, and I understand that. But I always feel as if I am a few steps behind you, just trying desperately to keep you in my sights. I want to pause for just a moment and enjoy you as you are, before you race off to do the next thing.

Bergaya dulu di Rumah sebelum berangkat

Di sekolah

Bersama Nenenk dan Teman

Di lokasi Acara (Golden Fish) dengan View Balerang bridge

Shot and crop

He..he sempat-sempatnya!!

Sedih ,haru,bahagia

Akhirnya ber topi toga juga

I’m so proud of everything you’ve done this year, my girl. So proud. You’re turning into a really excellent person, and I’m thrilled to be your mother. As wistful as I feel, and as fast as it goes, nothing can change that. Seeing you come into yourself in a new way has been such a privilege. I can hardly wait to see what you do next. Please, whatever it is, just hold still long enough so that I can get a picture of it, OK? Because I don’t want to forget a minute of this

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